Book Review | The Word by Mary G. Thompson

Title: The Word
Author: Mary G. Thompson
Genre: YA Contemporary
Publication Date: May 21st, 2024
Publisher: Page Street YA
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you to the publisher for a complimentary copy to review!

“After her parents split up, seven-year-old Lisa’s father convinces her to leave out the window in the middle of the night. After all, according to their religion, she belongs to him, and it is her duty to obey him. Ever the dutiful daughter, at least on the outside, and confused about the sinful changes in her mother (she’s cut her hair, there’s a new man around, she’s had a baby with him), Lisa complies.

She spends the next nine years on the run before the police finally catch up with her father, and she is returned to a mother who is “dead” in the eyes of their religion. But her father always had a plan for when the law came and took what was his―a plan that was set in motion the moment the police arrived at their home.

Now Lisa must make a follow the plan and go home again with the hope that she’ll see her brother and father again, or risk everything to figure out what life could be when she makes her own choices.” (Goodreads)

I have always been fascinated by cults because it’s interesting to see their beliefs, how they were formed, and the people that choose to stay or leave. It’s hard to explain into words, but it is a topic that people seem interested in since there are so many books and documentaries about them.

The book is told from the point-of-view of Lisa. Her father kidnapped her from her mother’s care when she was younger and ever since then they have been on the run. He won’t let her mother have her back because her mother is as good as dead since she left their religion. This is something that is seen a lot in our own world. It’s crazy how people can cut off someone like that even if it’s their own mother.

Lisa hasn’t had much say in her life though and when she ends up back in her mother’s care there is a switch that comes on and she starts learning to think for herself. It was cool to see both sides of her lifestyle since the book is kind of split into two timelines. I always like when this is done because it adds more to the development of the story.

There is a sense of mystery to the plot since everything isn’t handed out right away and we are left to wonder and question what this religion is about and her father’s motives.

Overall, this was an interesting read!

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