Book Review | Savor It by Tarah DeWitt

Title: Savor It
Author: Tarah DeWitt
Genre: Adult Contemporary / Romance
Publication Date: May 21st, 2024
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Thank you to the publisher for a complimentary earc to review!

“Summer won’t last forever.

Sage Byrd has lived in the coastal town of Spunes, Oregon (not to be confused with Forks, Washington) her entire life. She’s learned to love her small world, with the misfit animals on her hobby farm, and her friendships with the town’s inhabitants. But when her 5-year relationship ends and her ex, town-golden-boy Ian, suddenly gets engaged, Sage needs a win―something that will convince everyone to stop pitying her all the time, and to put Ian in his place. The Festival of Spunes, the town’s annual summer competition, would be the perfect opportunity. She just needs a partner.

Fisher Lange was a hotshot chef in New York City until the loss of his sister left him numb, grieving, and responsible for his teenage niece Indy. When Fisher loses his Michelin star along with his love of cooking, his boss sends him and Indy to Spunes on a much-needed summer sabbatical to consult on a restaurant opening. But when clashes with the townspeople threaten his last chance to redeem himself and a kiss with his new neighbor Sage leads to dating rumors, a strategic alliance might just be the best way to turn things around.

A deal is struck. Sage will improve Fisher’s image in the eyes of the town and remove the roadblocks he is facing with the restaurant, and Fisher will be Sage’s partner for the competition. But as their pact quickly turns into steamy rendezvous, emotional wounds begin to heal, and the pair tries to savor every moment, they start to realize that summer is racing by much faster than they would like…” (Goodreads)

I tried another book by this author last year and it wasn’t a fit for me. I kind of forgot about that until I started this one because the cover just really spoke to me. It is gorgeous! Unfortunately the same problems I had with her other book is why I didn’t love this one.

The book has a great setting and a character trying to find herself once again. I thought the chemistry between the main character and love interest was good. It did need a bit more development for me to fully be immersed by them. The forced proximity was definitely a delight.

My one problem with this author’s work is her writing style. Sometimes it feels jumbled together and disjointed. This could just be a me thing though as I have seen others really love her books so take whatever I say with a grain of salt!

Overall, this was good.

6 thoughts on “Book Review | Savor It by Tarah DeWitt

  1. I ended up DNFing this one for one of the reasons you stated 😥 I could not connect to any of the characters because of her writing style! I tried to adjust to it (since sometimes it just takes some time), but at around the 50% mark, I finally gave up. It’s good to know her other books are written similarly so I can pass on those.

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  2. I started to feel a bit FOMO last year so I tried reading one of her books but didn’t take me long to DNF it because the writing just didn’t work for me! I thought I was the only one who felt that way with how popular Funny Feelings and the rest of her books have become. 😂 Glad to know it’s not just me even though I’m bummed to hear it cos this cover is gorgeous and I want it, lol!

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    1. Haha yeah I hadn’t seen many talk about the writing style when it came to Funny Feelings and I thought I was the only one. Apparently I wasn’t. 😂 This one does have a really great cover!


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